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International statement calls for a UN rapporteur on democracy
Date : 2023-11-21     Hit : 129

International statement calls for a UN rapporteur on democracy



Credit: UN Photo / Jean-Marc Ferré / License: CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DEED


A statement calling on the United Nations to appoint a special rapporteur on democracy has been signed by more than 80 civil society organizations, networks, think tanks and institutions as well as numerous individuals from across the world united by their commitment to human rights and democracy.


According to the document, which was released on 20 November 2023 and is endorsed by The May 18 Foundation, “democracy is threatened and authoritarianism is on the rise”. In this situation, the UN “needs to do more to strengthen human rights and democracy”, the statement says. The new rapporteur position would be created by the UN’s Human Rights Council in Geneva and “mandated to investigate the state of democracy around the world.”


The joint appeal is made ahead of the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that is coming up on 10 December 2023. Like-minded organizations, policy-makers and individuals are invited to sign on.


“These days we live through a dark period of spreading authoritarianism. We believe a UN rapporteur on democracy will brighten the way to a better world for democracy and human rights”, said Soonsuk Won, Chairperson, The May 18 Foundation, based in Gwangju, South Korea.


“In a world facing democratic challenges, Democracy International supports the call for a UN Special Rapporteur on Democracy. Despite the evolving threats, this mandate, rooted in UN principles, symbolizes our optimism for a future where strengthened democratic values prevail”, said Eric Bjornlund, CEO and President, Democracy International.


“Democracy is a human right and human rights depend on democracy. The UN can no longer look the other way while this right is being denied, undermined and weakened in many countries around the world. A UN rapporteur on democracy is urgently needed”, said Andreas Bummel, Executive Director, Democracy Without Borders.


“In a world where threats to democracy and fundamental freedoms undermine essential human rights, we must continue to support, at the highest levels, those working on the front lines and behind the scenes working on the intersection of human rights and democracy. A UN Special Rapporteur on Democracy will help keep these issues at the forefront and signal to naysayers that democratic principles and practices offer the best conditions for peace and prosperity”, said Dr Ann Hudock, President and CEO, Counterpart International.


“Threats to democratic principles and institutions are a global issue. The establishment of a UN Special Rapporteur on Democracy will support our legislative work, especially when drafting evidence-based legislation and policies that promote integrity in political speech, transparency in government and the protection of fundamental human rights”, said Naveed Qamar, Member of Parliament from Pakistan and President of Parliamentarians for Global Action.


“Today more than ever, global citizens and their civil society require focused tools, actions, and actors to effectively counter democratic regression. A UN rapporteur dedicated to this purpose could provide substantial assistance”, said Gina Romero, Executive Director, Red Latinoamericana y del Caribe por la Democracia, the platform for pro-democracy groups in Latin-America and the Caribbean.


“In a time when democracy is challenged by autocracies and undermined in many democracies, the proposal of a UN rapporteur on democracy deserves urgent and serious consideration. It is fully endorsed by the V-Dem project and its Steering Committee”, said political scientist Staffan Lindberg, Director, Varieties of Democracy Institute (V-Dem) at the University of Gothenburg.


“A robust and healthy civic space forms the cornerstone of accountable and responsive democratic governance. Democracy cannot exist without the protection and promotion of civic space, and a democratic society offers the best conditions for guaranteeing an enabling environment. The mandate of a UN rapporteur on democracy is key to ensuring that civil society and civic space remain at the heart of democracy”, said Sigrid Lipott, UN Advisor in Geneva of CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation.


“People believe in democracy. But their hopes are being crushed as states fail to deliver and trample on the rules that protect us. At a time of crisis and contested narratives, the UN must use every possible tool to empower people: a Special Rapporteur on Democracy would be a good start”, said Natalie Samarasinghe, Global Director of Advocacy, Open Society Foundations.


“Democracy is a fundamental human right that cannot be taken for granted in any corner of the world. In recent years, we have seen backsliding, erosion, and authoritarian encroachment that democracy champions have bravely stood against across the globe. They must not stand alone. The UN Special Rapporteur system is an invaluable tool for advancing human rights. It is time that this powerful mechanism be deployed in support of democracy,” said Rebecca A. Shoot, Executive Director, Citizens for Global Solutions.


“At a time when democracy is at threat around the world and authoritarianism is on the rise, the call for the establishment of a UN Special Rapporteur on Democracy has never been more timely. I therefore support this effort and hope that UN member states can consider doing so too”, said Annika​​​​ ​SilvaLeander, Permanent Observer to the United Nations, International IDEA.


The statement points out that the new mandate can be based on UN resolutions that identify and support democratic principles. This includes the “central democratic principle” that “public authority must derive from the will of the people” which is expressed in Article 21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


According to the document, the proposed UN Special Rapporteur on Democracy, assisted by an independent advisory board, would “examine challenges and opportunities related to the realization of democracy”. This would include, among other things, looking into “constitutional and institutional arrangements such as checks and balances; effectiveness of parliaments; free, fair and competitive elections and election environments; political participation including of minorities and women; direct and deliberative mechanisms; as well as civic space and freedoms.”


The new mandate would “go beyond and complement” existing mandates operating under the Human Rights Council. The statement asks “all governments that are committed to democracy” to support its establishment.


Initial groups that endorsed the appeal include: ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights, Asia Democracy Network, Citizens for Global Solutions, CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation, Counterpart International, Democracy International, Democracy Without Borders, European Partnership for Democracy, Forum 2000, Integrity Initiatives International, Open Society Foundations, Parliamentarians for Global Action, PEN America, Red Latinoamericana y del Caribe por la Democracia, Society for Threatened Peoples, The Carter Center, The May 18 Foundation and Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem).


In addition to representatives of the endorsing organizations, the list of initial supporters includes over 100 individuals from around 70 countries, among them numerous human rights and democracy defenders and scholars as well as over 25 parliamentarians from across the world.


In an individual capacity Thomas Garrett, Secretary-General of the Community of Democracies and Kevin Casas-Zamora, Secretary-General of The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA), declared their support of the statement. Their organizations are intergovernmental with 30 and 34 member states respectively, some of which are current members of the Human Rights Council. Both organizations work closely with civil society.


United Nations special rapporteurs play a crucial role in ensuring accountability for human rights obligations from a thematic or country-specific perspective. Unpaid and independent, they do not represent any specific state, region, or partisan group. Their responsibilities include conducting fact-finding missions and addressing individual and collective complaints of human rights violations. Depending on the mandate, there can also be working groups. The first working group was set up in 1980 and a first special rapporteur mandate in 1982. At this time, 45 thematic and 13 country-related mandates exist.


* Endorsement: https://www.democracywithoutborders.org/unrod-call/

* Full text of the statement (PDF in English):


* List of endorsements (PDF):





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